By signing this document, I acknowledge receipt of the filed document and waive the requirement that I receive notice of this hearing. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.The document should name the person requesting recording. (GC 27361.6); The document should state the name and address to whom the document should be returned. An eFiling guide to File on an Existing Case in the Riverside, California Superior Courts and electronically serve your documents. This article and video will show Notaries to fill out each part of a notarial certificate, and common mistakes to avoid. An eFiling guide to Initiate a New Case in the Riverside, California Superior Courts and electronically serve your documents. Type or print legibly the applicant and property owner's name(s), e-mail address, mailing address, phone number. This form must be filled out completely.