Minnesota requires a final state income tax return for a deceased taxpayer in the year of their death if a federal income tax return is required for that year. Understand what you need to do to file an estate income tax return and how to get an Employee Identification Number.The taxable estate is generally the fair market value of the estate on the day the decedent died, less deductions (e.g. Generally, the estate tax return is due nine months after the date of death. A six month extension is available if requested prior to the due date. In most cases, the personal representative will have to file a final lifetime individual income tax return, usually using federal tax form 1040. Estates probated informally come before the. Probate Registrar in an administrative process. Find information on Hennepin County properties including but not limited to taxes due (tax statement), current and prior year taxes, assessment values. Learn how to make property tax payments in person, over the phone, or online.