File your Annual Report or an Amended Annual Report using a credit card. Updates will post within minutes of filing!The Division of Corporations is the State of Florida's official business entity index and commercial activity website. Complete the accompanying affidavit (pages 8-9). If additional assistance is needed to complete the application, contact the Broward County Office of Economic. If the defendant is a company, we suggest that you check thoroughly to find out if the company is an individual doing business as a company or is a corporation. SCORE Broward has prepared this Downloadable Checklist to help you Register your Business in Florida. The Small Business Development (SBD) team utilizes the resources of OESBD and its partners to assist applicants to position themselves for future opportunities. John Folson CPA, LLC has several years of experience preparing S corporation (form 1120S) tax returns. Most small businesses are structured as S corporations.