Farm Ownership Loans offer up to 100 percent financing and are a valuable resource to help farmers and ranchers purchase or enlarge family farms. FSA loans can be used to purchase land, livestock, equipment, feed, seed, and supplies.Loans can also be used to construct buildings or make farm improvements. Use USDA's online farm loan tools to find loans that might be right for you, apply for a direct loan, or make a payment on a direct loan. Apply for an agricultural land loan from a major bank. When farmers need financing, most turn to their local banks first. No bank or NBFC will give you a loan on agri property as sarfaesi act is not applicable on agri land . You can't take a loan on someone's land without involving that person as a co-borrower or as a guarantor. This publication explains how the federal tax laws apply to farming. Use this publication as a guide to figure your taxes and complete your farm tax return.