Farm Ownership Loans offer up to 100 percent financing and are a valuable resource to help farmers and ranchers purchase or enlarge family farms. The Farm Service Agency offers loans to help farmers and ranchers get the financing they need to start, expand or maintain a family farm.Financial support for agriculture and rural America since 1916. Use USDA's online farm loan tools to find loans that might be right for you, apply for a direct loan, or make a payment on a direct loan. Since early 2018, Clarion Associates has been assisting Fairfax County in modernizing its Zoning Ordinance through the zMOD project. FSA microloans fund land acquisition and farm operations and are a great option for first time farmland buyers and beginning farmers and ranchers. To qualify for an agricultural loan, you'll need to take the following steps: 1. Contact a lender (and have a good credit score). You can't take out a VA land loan without an existing home on the lot or a new construction plan prepared. Can You Buy Land With a VA Loan?