The answer might be a personal loan with a fixed monthly payment that fits your budget. You can begin your application online or just drop in to ask questions.With 279 loan offices in 6 states in the southeast, 1ˢᵗ Franklin Financial is a leading provider of installment loans for bad credit borrowers. Com or fax in the request to (201) 839-4512. Franklin Loan Center provides online access to your loans in progress or applications for new mortgage or refinance. We treat your loan like it's our own. PaydayPact stands out as a reliable option for residents of Franklin County seeking quick loans despite bad credit. If you have little credit history or some credit problems in the past, a share secured loan may be the solution for you. For example, we note your disclosure that prior to making a loan you complete a credit investigation of a potential borrower. Harr Motor Group is the place for you.