A Business License application must be filed within 30 days of the start of the business. The return should include the tax due from business operations to the last day of business, as well as any tax collected on assets that you sell.Click on "Request a new Tax Account" to set up a new business or withholding account. Accounts will be verified and account numbers sent through email. Exemption applications must be filed with your local assessor's office. See our Municipal Profiles for your local assessor's mailing address. Corporations file Schedule M-3 (Form 1120) to answer questions about their financial statements and reconcile financial statement net income (loss) A homestead exemption is a legal provision that helps to reduce the amount of property taxes on owner-occupied homes. The home must be your primary residence. Immediately contact the Treasurer's office to receive a copy of your bill and contact the Supervisor of Assessments office if there needs to be changes made.