With these nocreditcheck loans, lenders won't perform a hard credit pull when you apply. The NIL program offers zero interest loans to assist students in meeting educational costs.Students have a period of 10 years to repay their NIL loans. Congratulations on being debt-free! Here's 5 easy steps to getting a no credit score loan: Fill out the form and connect with one of our Home Loan Specialists. A Personal Unsecured Installment Loan provides you access to the money you need without using your property as collateral. See the top 10 small business lenders in Massachusetts and all of their loans. Bad credit is fine along with other qualifications. United Finance Co. provides a trustworthy alternative to high-cost title and payday loans, offering affordable personal loans with transparent terms. MassDevelopment Lending Products - MassDevelopment offers a range of loans and guarantees to meet the needs of small businesses.