The Default Resolution Group services student loans in default including help with Fresh Start, rehabilitation or consolidation. 1.63 "Mortgage" shall mean a mortgage or cooperative loan interest given as security for a loan in respect of all or any portion of the Subject Property.Part time employee means an employee in a position that is designated part time or for which compensation is fixed upon a basis of part time work. n. This program allows lenders to input data about their potential veteran-borrower and obtain an eligibility determination, in most cases, in a matter of seconds. It is the Lender's responsibility to provide W4 Forms to the Borrower as well as assist in completing the W4 Form when the borrower loan closed. The understanding and management of Personal Finance and Student Loan Debt are financial literacy topics of particular importance to college students. WHEREAS, RCTC desires to approve and adopt the combined RCTC Right of Way.