Remember it is important to apply for student loans and scholarships before school starts so you don't miss out. Riverside County Legal Funding: Non-recourse pre-settlement support.Apply now, no repayment if your case isn't successful. The RCA may invest in the Riverside County Pooled Investment Fund. 2. State of California Local Agency Investment Fund ("LAIF"). It is the Lender's responsibility to provide W4 Forms to the Borrower as well as assist in completing the W4 Form when the borrower loan closed. Download the free corporate borrowing resolution template as a word document or PDF. It is perfect to write a board resolution for an SBA loan from a bank. Resolutions 2023: 2023-01 Restore NY Grant, 2023-02 TSA Amendment 1 Clayton WWTP Improvements Project, 2023-03 Resolution – LL1 of 2023-Override Tax Levy Limit.