Student loan repayments will resume on October 1, 2023. You may qualify for forgiveness of the remaining balance due on your eligible federal student loans based on your employment in a public service job.The Tuition Loan Repayment Program provides eligible employees assistance in the repayment of their student loan obligations. Delinquency – When a federal student loan has one or more missed payments fewer than 270 days late (federal loans). After you submit your PSLF form, we will process it and you will receive a count of the number of qualifying payments you have made toward both PSLF and TEPSLF. Borrowers may be eligible for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness. Content. Where to apply for loan forgiveness. The Owner Occupied Residential Rehabilitation Program is a forgivable second mortgage loan program designed to assist income-eligible San Bernardino homeowners. CSU, San Bernardino participates in the Federal Direct Loan Programs through the Department of Education.