Each document on 360 Legal Forms is customized for your state. Learn if a corporate resolution is needed for your LLC, how to fill out a corporate resolution form and more in this guide.Preparation of Initial Organizational Resolutions based on your preferences about the way you are going to run your company. A PID can provide funding for supplemental services and improvements that meet the needs of the community, that could not otherwise be constructed or provided. Official website of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). NAACP builds Black political power to end structural racism. WHEREAS, the City Council (the "City Council") of the CITY OF NORTH RICHLAND. HILLS, TEXAS (the "City"), located in Tarrant County, Texas (the "County"),. Why are IT professionals coming to work at Tarrant County? Before going to court, it is important to explore mediation and other alternative dispute resolution methods.