Confidentiality Agreement Template For Selling A Business

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Description Independent Contractor Agreement Montana

An independent contractor is a person or business who performs services for another person pursuant to an agreement and who is not subject to the other's control, or right to control, the manner and means of performing the services. The exact nature of the independent contractor's relationship with the hiring party is important since an independent contractor pays his/her own Social Security, income taxes without payroll deduction, has no retirement or health plan rights, and often is not entitled to worker's compensation coverage.

There are a number of factors which to consider in making the decision whether people are employees or independent contractors. One of the most important considerations is the degree of control exercised by the company over the work of the workers. An employer has the right to control an employee. It is important to determine whether the company had the right to direct and control the workers not only as to the results desired, but also as to the details, manner and means by which the results were accomplished. If the company had the right to supervise and control such details of the work performed, and the manner and means by which the results were to be accomplished, an employer-employee relationship would be indicated. On the other hand, the absence of supervision and control by the company would support a finding that the workers were independent contractors and not employees.

This form contains a confidentiality clause. The most important part of a confidentiality clause is the definition or description of the confidential information. Ideally, the contract should set forth as specifically as possible the scope of information covered by the agreement. However, the disclosing party may be reluctant to describe the information in the contract, for fear that some of the confidential information might be revealed in the contract itself.

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Contract Agreement Sample