Web Page Terminology With Html And Css

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In the context of Internet sales, disclaimers of warranties should be plainly visible to customers before they make a purchase. Courts may find that the disclaimer of a warranty is conspicuous even if contained within the site and not discovered before a user agrees to a sale from the site.

Many Internet users are concerned that personal identifying information will be sold to entities that market their products through the Internet. A privacy statement gives assurance that information gathered will not be distributed.

Privacy statements and disclosures also allow those who visit a Website to assess how private information will be collected and used. Accordingly, the visitor can make an informed decision on whether or not to interface with the Website. The following form is a sample of such a privacy statement.

Web page terminology refers to the specific terms and concepts used in web development, particularly in relation to HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These two languages are fundamental in creating and designing web pages, and understanding their terminology is crucial for developers, designers, and anyone involved in web development. HTML Terminology: 1. Tags: Also known as elements, HTML tags are used to define the structure of a web page. They are enclosed within angle brackets, such as Or, and can have attributes defining their behavior or appearance. 2. Attributes: Attributes provide additional information or parameters for HTML tags. They modify the behavior or appearance of an element. For example, the "ref" attribute in the anchor tag () specifies a link's destination. 3. Elements: HTML elements are made up of opening tags, content, and closing tags. They define different parts of a web page, such as headings (to), paragraphs (

), images (), etc. 4. Nesting: HTML elements can be nested inside each other, creating a hierarchical structure. For example, a paragraph can contain a span within it, which in turn may contain other elements. 5. Semantic Markup: Semantic HTML involves using HTML tags that convey meaning and structure to web content, making it more accessible and well-organized for both users and search engines. Examples include,,,, etc. CSS Terminology: 1. Selectors: CSS selectors are used to target specific HTML elements on a web page. They can be based on HTML tags, class names, IDs, attributes, and more. 2. Properties: CSS properties define the visual appearance and behavior of HTML elements. They control aspects like color, font, size, positioning, etc. For example, the "color" property determines the text color. 3. Values: CSS property values are assigned to properties and define the desired appearance of elements. They can be specific colors, numerical measurements, keywords like "bold" or "italic", etc. 4. Cascade: CSS follows a cascading order when multiple styles are applied to an element. It determines which styles take precedence based on specificity, inheritance, and order of appearance. 5. Media Queries: Media queries in CSS allow developers to apply different styles based on specific device characteristics like screen size, resolution, or orientation. This helps create responsive web pages. 6. Box Model: The box model in CSS describes how elements are structured and how their sizes are calculated. It consists of content, padding, borders, and margins surrounding an element. 7. Flex box and Grid: Flex box and Grid are CSS layout systems that enable developers to create responsive and flexible web page layouts. They facilitate the positioning and alignment of elements. By understanding and applying these essential web page terminologies, developers can effectively create and style web pages using HTML and CSS, resulting in visually appealing, accessible, and user-friendly websites.

Web page terminology refers to the specific terms and concepts used in web development, particularly in relation to HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These two languages are fundamental in creating and designing web pages, and understanding their terminology is crucial for developers, designers, and anyone involved in web development. HTML Terminology: 1. Tags: Also known as elements, HTML tags are used to define the structure of a web page. They are enclosed within angle brackets, such as Or, and can have attributes defining their behavior or appearance. 2. Attributes: Attributes provide additional information or parameters for HTML tags. They modify the behavior or appearance of an element. For example, the "ref" attribute in the anchor tag () specifies a link's destination. 3. Elements: HTML elements are made up of opening tags, content, and closing tags. They define different parts of a web page, such as headings (to), paragraphs (

), images (), etc. 4. Nesting: HTML elements can be nested inside each other, creating a hierarchical structure. For example, a paragraph can contain a span within it, which in turn may contain other elements. 5. Semantic Markup: Semantic HTML involves using HTML tags that convey meaning and structure to web content, making it more accessible and well-organized for both users and search engines. Examples include,,,, etc. CSS Terminology: 1. Selectors: CSS selectors are used to target specific HTML elements on a web page. They can be based on HTML tags, class names, IDs, attributes, and more. 2. Properties: CSS properties define the visual appearance and behavior of HTML elements. They control aspects like color, font, size, positioning, etc. For example, the "color" property determines the text color. 3. Values: CSS property values are assigned to properties and define the desired appearance of elements. They can be specific colors, numerical measurements, keywords like "bold" or "italic", etc. 4. Cascade: CSS follows a cascading order when multiple styles are applied to an element. It determines which styles take precedence based on specificity, inheritance, and order of appearance. 5. Media Queries: Media queries in CSS allow developers to apply different styles based on specific device characteristics like screen size, resolution, or orientation. This helps create responsive web pages. 6. Box Model: The box model in CSS describes how elements are structured and how their sizes are calculated. It consists of content, padding, borders, and margins surrounding an element. 7. Flex box and Grid: Flex box and Grid are CSS layout systems that enable developers to create responsive and flexible web page layouts. They facilitate the positioning and alignment of elements. By understanding and applying these essential web page terminologies, developers can effectively create and style web pages using HTML and CSS, resulting in visually appealing, accessible, and user-friendly websites.

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