US Legal Forms stands out with its robust collection, offering over 85,000 easily fillable and editable legal forms, ensuring you have all the tools needed for your home improvement project.
Start utilizing US Legal Forms today to simplify your legal documentation process. With quick access to professional support, your contracts will be precise and legally sound.
Scope of Work, Selection Sheet and Drawings. License Number and Insurance. Description of Change Orders. Warranty information. Subcontractor Agreements. Payment schedule. Completion Schedule / Timeline. Clauses Required by Law.
Check Contract Basics. The basic job of a contractor agreement is to spell out the scope of the project's work. Set a Payment Schedule. Schedule Start and End Dates. Specify Change Orders. Research Your Arbitration Options. Turn Down the Contractor's Warranty.
Timeframe or key milestones of the project; hours of work; deliverables of the project; and. way the business will pay the contractor for their services.
Define and describe the project in detail. Include what materials must be used; be as specific as possible. Include weight, brand name and other identifying features. Specify the work being performed and all equipment being used or installed.
Bidding Documents. Construction Contractor Agreement. Architectural Drawings. Specifications. Bill of Quantities. Schedule. Work Orders. Subcontractor Application.
To cancel, the buyer need only give the contractor written notice of his or her intent not to be bound by the contract. Under the law when the contract is canceled the seller can be required to return the entire contract amount and restore a consumer's property to the way it was before the contract.
Identifying/Contact Information. Title and Description of the Project. Projected Timeline and Completion Date. Cost Estimate and Payment Schedule. Stop Work Clause and Stop Payment Clause. Act of God Clause. Change Order Agreement. Warranty.
Terms. This is the first section of any agreement or contract and states the names and locations of the parties involved. Responsibilities & Deliverables. Payment-Related Details. Confidentiality Clause. Contract Termination. Choice of Law.
Get it in writing. Keep it simple. Deal with the right person. Identify each party correctly. Spell out all of the details. Specify payment obligations. Agree on circumstances that terminate the contract. Agree on a way to resolve disputes.