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Start your journey towards a successful home purchase today. Explore US Legal Forms for the Arizona Buyer's Home Inspection Checklist and ensure your next steps are clear and legally compliant!
Check for water stains, corrosion and mould. Assess ceilings for sagging. Look inside the cabinets in all wet areas. Check the walls for large cracks. Check for mould in bathrooms and bedrooms. Check the internal wall plastering for fine cracks.
Water Damage. Most home inspectors agree that water damage to the structure is one of the most damaging and costly problems you can encounter. Faulty Wiring. Poor Drainage and Grade Sloping. Problematic Gutters. Roof Issues. Foundation Flaws. General Disrepair. Faulty Plumbing.
Top reasons home inspections fail Electrical problems: The most common electrical issues include wiring that's not up to code, frayed wiring, or improperly wired electrical panels. Plumbing issues: Leaky pipes (and resulting water damage), failing water heaters, and sewer system problems are some of the most expensive.
Provide open access to areas that need to be checked. Clear the perimeter. Check the roof. Keep a clean house. Replace any bulbs that are out. Make sure your toilets are functioning properly. Put in a fresh furnace return filter.