Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure

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Description Lead Based Paint Disclosure Arizona

This document is a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure for sales of residential properties built prior to 1978. It serves to inform the purchaser of the risks associated with lead-based paint and requires the seller to disclose any known lead-based paint hazards. The document includes sections for seller's disclosure, purchaser's acknowledgment, agent's acknowledgment, and certification of accuracy. It also references the requirement to provide a pamphlet on lead safety to the purchaser and outlines penalties for non-compliance.
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Paint Sales Form FAQ

The lead-based paint disclosure form is a required form to be issued to all tenants and potential buyers for residential properties built before 1978.The forms were written to warn any new owners or tenants of the potential existence of this within the interior walls of the residence.

The seller of any interest in residential real property is required to provide the buyer with any information on lead-based paint hazards from risk assessments or inspections in the seller's possession and notify the buyer of any known lead-based paint hazards.

Correct Before the purchaser or lessee is obligated under a contract for sale or lease. Purchasers or lessees must receive the lead-based paint disclosures before they become obligated under a contract for sale or lease, which generally occurs when the contract or lease is signed. 5.

Under the Disclosure Rule, any seller or landlord must disclose information concerning lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards when selling or leasing to any prospective purchaser or tenant of residential housing. The residential housing covered by the Disclosure Rule are those units built before 1978.

Federal law requires you to provide certain important information about lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards before a prospective buyer is obligated under a contract to purchase your home.Inform the seller of his or her obligations under the Real Estate Notification and Disclosure Rule.

The Rule states that if an agent is involved in a transaction to sell target housing, the "Lead Warning Statement" must include a statement signed by the agent that the agent has informed the seller of the seller's legal obligations and that the agent is aware of his/her duty to ensure compliance with the Rule.

Immediately clean up any paint chips you find. Keep play areas clean. Don't let children chew on painted surfaces. Clean dust off of window sills and other surfaces on a regular basis, using a sponge, mop, or paper towels with warm water.

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Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure