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Description Arizona Residuary Asset

The Mutual Wills package with Last Wills and Testaments you have found, is for a married couple with minor children. It provides for the appointment of a personal representative or executor, designation of who will receive your property and other provisions, including provisions for your spouse and children. It also establishes a trust and provides for the appointment of a trustee for the estate of the minor children. This package contains two wills, one for each spouse. It also includes instructions.

The wills must be signed in the presence of two witnesses, not related to you or named in the wills. If your state has adopted a self-proving affidavit statute, a state specific self-proving affidavit is also included and requires the presence of a notary public to sign the wills.

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How to fill out Mutual Last Package?

  1. If you are a returning user, log in to your account to access and download the necessary form template directly.
  2. For first-time users, begin by visiting the US Legal Forms website and reviewing the Arizona Mutual Wills Package details in the preview mode to ensure it meets your requirements.
  3. Utilize the search function if you need alternative templates or versions that match your specific needs and jurisdiction.
  4. Once satisfied, proceed to purchase by clicking 'Buy Now' and selecting your desired subscription plan to create an account.
  5. Complete your payment using a credit card or PayPal account to finalize your subscription.
  6. Download the form to your device; you can always access it later in the My Forms section of your profile.

US Legal Forms significantly simplifies the legal document process for both individuals and attorneys, enabling swift access to a vast library of legal forms. With over 85,000 documents readily available, users can find exactly what they need without hassle.

Take control of your family's future today by obtaining the Arizona Mutual Wills Package. Start your journey with US Legal Forms and ensure that your loved ones are protected.

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My Asset Die FAQ

A minor, by definition, is any person under the age of majority.Arizona, like most states, sets the age of majority at 18. So, the Arizona statutes discussed below only apply when a child is under the age of 18.

What is the legal age to get married in Arizona? The age of legal consent is 18. If either person is 16 or 17, the consent of at least one legal parent or guardian is required. For those under 16 years old, the consent of a legal adult and the approval of a Superior Court judge is required.

The laws regulating marriage are quite uniform.While only three states, California, Kansas, and Massachusetts, have no statutory minimum age under which marriage licenses will not be issued, many states with a minimum age requirement do permit marriages between minors under that age.

In Indiana, this is also mostly true, although a person who is 21 can marry a person who is 17 years old. Minimum age in 50 states: 1 state has a minimum age of 12 years old for females and 14 years old for males:Massachusetts. 2 states have a minimum age of 14: Alaska, and Vermont.

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