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In addition to move-in and move-out inspections, inspecting your rental property one to three times a year may be acceptable. However, landlords should note that they need permission before entering the premises. They must provide proper notice of at least 24 hours beforehand.
A landlord may have the right to enter his property, even against his tenant's wishes, as long as he has given proper written notice and the entry occurs during normal business hours. California requires a landlord provide reasonable advance notice of intent to enter and considers 24 hours reasonable absent
California law requires landlords to give the tenant reasonable notice. The law presumes twenty-four hours is reasonable. However, if the notice is only mailed, the law presumes that six days prior to an intended entry is reasonable.
Your landlord or their representatives may be allowed reasonable access to carry out inspections or repairs, but must first get your permission. According to Section 11, from The Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, your landlord needs to give you at least 24 hour notice before they come around and visit for any reason.
In most instances -- except emergencies, abandonment and invitation by tenant -- states allow a landlord to enter only at reasonable times, without setting specific hours and days. California state law requires that landlords may enter only during normal business hours.
When you rent a property from a landlord it becomes your home. They should only enter the property without you being present, if you have given permission for them to do so, or in a genuine emergency.
When you rent a property from a landlord it becomes your home. They should only enter the property without you being present, if you have given permission for them to do so, or in a genuine emergency.
Let's be clear, other than in emergency it's illegal for a landlord or agent to enter a property without agreement from the tenant. The golden rule to abide by is always to provide your tenants with written notice at least 24 hours before any planned visits.
In California, landlords cannot conduct random inspections. California Civil Code Section 1954 limits the access landlords have to an occupied rental property to only four instances: in case of an emergency, in the event of abandonment by the tenant, to do repairs or improvements, or to show the apartment to