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Get local referrals. Look for manufacturer designations. Research Better Business Bureau (BBB) ratings. Get an extensive warranty. Be concerned about safety. Check for proper licensing and insurance. Pay your deductible. Handle your own claim.
How long have you been in business? How local is your business? Who owns your business, and for how long have they owned it? What jobs do you have that I can go see? Who, exactly, will be installing my roof?
You can always negotiate with your contractor on the price of a successful project before signing a contract. Discuss your budget with your roofing contractor. Agree that any unexpected project expenses will be presented in writing to help you remain within your budget.
Make sure the contractor is financially stable. A professional roofing contractor can provide current financial information about his company. Look for a company with a proven track record that offers client references and a list of completed projects. Call these clients to find out whether they were satisfied.
In short, it is a legally binding contract in which you agree to work with a roofing company to do all of your insurance-approved work. Per the name, it's contingent on the insurance claim being approved for the contract to hold together.
In most cases a reputable roofing company with ask for at least one third to one half up front, which isn't unreasonable, but can be a sizable amount.
Step 1: Get Clear on the Scope of Work. Step 2: Measure the Roof. Step 3: Estimate Material Cost. Step 4: Estimate Labor Costs. Step 5: Calculate Your Overhead Costs. Step 6: Tally All Roofing Costs. Step 7: Add Your Markup for Desired Profits. Step 8: Bid the Roofing Job.
Get local referrals. Look for manufacturer designations. Research Better Business Bureau (BBB) ratings. Get an extensive warranty. Be concerned about safety. Check for proper licensing and insurance. Pay your deductible. Handle your own claim.