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Don't miss the opportunity to streamline your legal processes. Visit US Legal Forms today and take the first step toward obtaining your Kentucky Satisfaction, Cancellation or Release of Mortgage Package with ease!
If a lender takes longer than 90 days to record it, they can be charged up to $1,500 in penalties. So, in theory, a satisfaction should be recorded within 30-90 days of payoff regardless of what state you work in.
In order to clear the title to the real property owned by the mortgagor, the Satisfaction of Mortgage document must be recorded with the County Recorder or Recorder of Deeds. If the mortgagee fails to record a satisfaction within the set time limits, the mortgagee may be responsible for damages set out by statute.
A satisfaction of mortgage is a document that confirms a mortgage has been paid off and details the provisions for the transfer of collateral title rights.
If you have cleared a debt, a mortgage satisfaction document will give you clear title to real property. In other words, mortgage satisfaction is a document that results in release or discharge of a mortgage lien, and indicates that a borrower has cleared his/her debt.
A Mortgage Release is where you, the homeowner, voluntarily transfer the ownership of your property to the owner of your mortgage in exchange for a release from your mortgage loan and payments.Depending on your situation, you may be required to make a financial contribution to receive a mortgage release.
What is Satisfaction of Mortgage? A Satisfaction of Mortgage, also known as a Mortgage Lien Release, is a legal document provided by the mortgagee (financial institution) advising that the mortgage has been paid in full, all terms of the loan have been satisfied and there will no longer be a lien on the property.
When you pay off your loan and you have a mortgage, the lender will send you or the local recorder of deeds or office that handles the filing of real estate documents a release of mortgage.On the other hand, when you have a trust deed or deed of trust, the lender files a release deed.