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Expected Lifetime Earnings: $2,003,904. Considering how easily you could end up squished beneath something heavy in this job, you sure don't get paid much. Your basic demolition man earns around $40,000 a year (source) for ripping up and hauling away old building materials.
Expect to spend $2,000 to $10,000 in demolition company startup costs.
Demolition experts have been known to have at least a high school education with workers also having a post-secondary certificate, and of course, an engineering degree is a huge plus. Those who learn the trade in the military complete standard military training and then receive 39 weeks of specialized training.
"Demolition contractors tend not to go out of business. It's very lucrative and you get to be your own boss," said Mike Taylor, executive director of the National Association of Demolition Contractors.
Knocking down walls, setting off explosives, handling hazardous materials a job as a demolition worker can be a very cool and rewarding career.
Demolition contractors prepare sites for destruction by performing inspections and removing hazardous materials like asbestos. They are also responsible for disconnecting utilities, eliminating rodents, and obtaining the necessary permits.
A Demolition Contractors in your area makes on average $64,150 per year, or $5,665 (10%) more than the national average annual salary of $58,485.