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In conclusion, obtaining your Massachusetts Special or Limited Power of Attorney is a breeze with US Legal Forms. Take advantage of their extensive library and expert support to streamline your real estate sales transaction today!
In many states, notarization is required by law to make the durable power of attorney valid. But even where law doesn't require it, custom usually does. A durable power of attorney that isn't notarized may not be accepted by people with whom your attorney-in-fact tries to deal.
Massachusetts law does not require that a Power of Attorney be notarized.In addition to recommending that the Power of Attorney be notarized, most courts also recommend that the document be: (1) signed by the agent; and (2) recorded with the local court wherever the principal lives.
Remember that all of the authorized agents under the power of attorney or representatives in an estate must sign the listing agreement, disclosure documents, etc. For example, when there are two executors in an estate, then they both must sign the Listing Contract.
A power of attorney (or POA) is a legal document that grants a person or organization the legal authority to act on another's behalf and make certain decisions for them.A power of attorney needs to be signed in front of a licensed notary public in order to be legally binding.
The POA can be a useful tool in residential real estate transactions when a necessary party will be unavailable to execute documents prior to or attend the closing.In order to be recorded, the POA presented must contain the original signature of the principal, and it must be notarized.
Remember that all of the authorized agents under the power of attorney or representatives in an estate must sign the listing agreement, disclosure documents, etc. For example, when there are two executors in an estate, then they both must sign the Listing Contract.
You create the power while you are mentally competent and of sound mind. The principal is the person who creates the POA in Massachusetts. Most will, appoint a spouse, relative, business partner or close friend as the agent.
Do I have to have witnesses to my Durable Power of Attorney? Not to have it be legal in Massachusetts.A durable power of attorney should always be notarized, but just like with witnesses it would be legal without it, although it might be hard to use, and won't help with real estate.
Name, signature, and address of the principal. Name, signature, and address of the agent. Properties and activities under the authority of the agent. Date of effect and termination of authority. Compensation to services of the agent.