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A bargain and sale deed doesn't warrant against any encumbrances. It simply implies that the grantor holds title to the property. The granteethe individual receiving titleeffectively inherits any and all liens that might exist against the property when he takes title.
The Nevada Deed Upon Death is like a regular deed you might use to transfer real estate located in Nevada, but with a crucial difference: It doesn't take effect until your death. At your death, the real estate goes automatically to the person you named to inherit it, without the need for probate court proceedings.
A grant deed is the instrument used to transfer title to an interest in real property from one owner to someone else.A deed of trust is the security instrument given to a lender to secure a loan or other obligation. Bare naked title is deeded to the trustee, who holds the power of sale or the power to re-convey.
Buying property with this type of deed is not necessarily a bad idea, but it is advisable to take some precautions. If possible, a title search should be conducted to look for any clouds on the title and to see how difficult it would be to release them.
A grant, bargain, and sale deed is commonly used in Nevada for a conveyance of real property.A certificate of the acknowledgement or proof of execution, signed by the person taking the acknowledgment or proof, and under the seal or stamp of that person, will entitle the deed to be recorded (NRS 111.310).
A grant deed ensures that the grantor has a legal interest in the property. A quitclaim deed merely releases any potential interest the signatory may have in a property with no warranties.
Quitclaim deeds are most often used to transfer property between family members. Examples include when an owner gets married and wants to add a spouse's name to the title or deed, or when the owners get divorced and one spouse's name is removed from the title or deed.
Bargain and sale deeds are most often used when property is transferred after a foreclosure, tax sale, or the settlement of a deceased person's estate. They may also be used in the same situations as a quitclaim deed, although they give the grantee a little more protection.