Ohio Revised Sworn

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Description Funds Contractor Requesting

This sworn affidavit is filed with the county recorder by the original contractor and attests to the fact that the original contractor has paid in full for all labor and work performed and for all materials furnished by the original contractor and all subcontractors, materialmen, and laborers prior to the date of the closing of the purchase or during and prior to the payment period, except such unpaid claims as set forth specifically by claimant and amount claimed. Further, it attests that there are no other claims than those listed in the affidavit. Successful filing of this affidavit by the original contractor allows the lending institution to make payment to the original contractor pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 1311.011(B)(4).

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Ohiocounty Lending Exist FAQ

After one year or more, those assets are unclaimed and go to the state. That money is lawfully protected and kept by the state to be returned to the owner rather than reverting back to the party who initially distributed the money. In most states, the money is generally held until the owner is found.

Unclaimed property can include uncashed checks, wages, stocks, safe deposit boxes and insurance benefits, among other personal valuables. Residents and business owners can search the database and submit a claim at claimit.ca.gov or by calling 800-992-4647.

Relatives are entitled to unclaimed money belonging to a deceased family member. Billions of dollars in unclaimed property collects dust each year in the unclaimed property divisions that are maintained by state governments across the country.Unclaimed money can legally be claimed by relatives of a deceased person.

The Division of Unclaimed Funds does reach out to people but you can also check for yourself by visiting com.ohio.gov/unfd/, calling 877-644-6824 or emailing UnfdClaims.UnfdClaims@com.state.oh.us.

The Division of Unclaimed Funds does reach out to people but you can also check for yourself by visiting com.ohio.gov/unfd/, calling 877-644-6824 or emailing UnfdClaims.UnfdClaims@com.state.oh.us.

The time frame varies depending on the property but in most cases it is three to five years.

For most states, the dormancy period is five years. When property is officially designated by the state as abandoned or unclaimed, it undergoes a process known as escheatment, where the state assumes ownership of that property until the rightful owner files a claim.

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Funds Contractor Application Trusted and secure by over 3 million people of the world’s leading companies

Ohio Revised Sworn