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Start streamlining your legal document process today by exploring the Ohio Contract for Deed Package on US Legal Forms!
Contract for Deed Seller Financing. A contract for deed is used by some sellers who finance the sale of their homes. Seller's Ownership Liability. Buyer Default Risk. Seller Performance. Property Liens Could Hinder Purchase.
A contract for deed is an agreement for buying property without going to a mortgage lender. The buyer agrees to pay the seller monthly payments, and the deed is turned over to the buyer when all payments have been made.
'Contract by deed' is a deed of formal legal evidence that is signed, witnessed and delivered to create a legal obligation and for 'Simple contract' is a contract that are not deeds. They are informal contract that can make in many ways such as orally, writing, and conduct.
A disadvantage to the seller is that a contract for deed is frequently characterized by a low down payment and the purchase price is paid in installments instead of one lump sum. If a seller needs funds from the sale to buy another property, this would not be a beneficial method of selling real estate.