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Take control of your legal documentation process today by exploring US Legal Forms and obtaining your Oregon Warning of Default on Commercial Lease!
A lease is automatically void when it is against the law, such as a lease for an illegal purpose. In other circumstances, like fraud or duress, a lease can be declared void at the request of one party but not the other.
If the landlord accepts a surrender (whether impliedly or deliberately), the tenant will be released from liability for paying rent and performing lease covenants in the future. The tenant will still be liable for rent already due and any other existing breaches.
Unless your lease says otherwise simply breaking it is not an option. This is known as "unilateral breach" and typical penalties can include: Paying the rent - One way or another, if you walk away from your lease and no one else rents the apartment then you will owe the landlord this money.
Paying the remainder of the rent still owed on the lease in full; Paying a specified amount of liquidated damages as outlined in the contract terms; Paying an additional amount of punitive damages, dependent on local state laws; and/or.
Surrender the Lease. One option for getting out of your commercial lease early is to approach your landlord and request to surrender the lease. Early Termination Clause. Some lease agreements will contain an early termination clause (commonly called a break clause). Assignment of Lease. Subletting the Premises. Licensing.
For example, the lease may provide that in case of default, the landlord can recover late fees and interest. If the lease is a net lease, it may provide for the landlord to recover such things as property taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance and repairs.
One option for getting out of your commercial lease early is to approach your landlord and request to surrender the lease. A surrender of lease is when both you and the landlord agree to end the lease.However, if the landlord agrees to surrender your lease, you will often have to pay their legal costs.
Don't just walk away A lease is a binding contract.Under the law in some states (e.g., New York), there's acceleration of payments, meaning the landlord can immediate demand all the rent due under the remainder of the lease. In any state, a landlord can sue for damages (the unpaid rent, legal fees, etc.).