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If you are unsure about claiming that a tenant has surrendered the property you can place an Abandonment Notice on the door of the property. This Notice needs to advise that the property has been deemed as abandoned and give a time say five days after which the locks will be changed if no contact is received.
If a tenant abandons a leased premises, the landlord may terminate the lease and sue the tenant for any unpaid rent. The landlord may keep the security deposit to pay for any unpaid rent and pay for any repairs required caused by tenant.
Property is considered abandoned only after a lease is terminated. Termination occurs when the lease is up and the tenant moves out, or if the tenant is legally evicted.
Abandonment can only be assumed from the tenant leaving the property, taking their possessions and handing in the keys. However as surrender of the property is implied from the same actions, an Abandonment Notice may be unnecessary.
Personal property remaining at (address) is now considered to have been abandoned. Within ten days of the postmark date of this notice, you must retrieve any items you wish to keep or contact your landlord at (telephone number and address) to request that the property be retained or stored.
Inventory and store the tenant's abandoned property in a safe location. Best practice is to photograph items left behind. Store the abandoned property. Notify the tenant of the abandoned personal property and your intention to dispose of it if they do not claim it.
Basically, a notice of abandonment is the trustee's way of saying that for one reason or another, the listed property cannot be liquidated for the benefit of your creditors. When a bankruptcy case is filed, real and personal property become part of a "bankruptcy estate" which the trustee is in control of.
If you personally deliver the notice to the tenant, then you must store the abandoned property for at least 15 days. If you mail the notice to the tenant (including email), then you must store the property for at least 18 days from the date the notice was mailed (see Cal.