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In the sentence, the person writing the statement must state that he or she is stating that the information is accurate. (Example: I, Jane Doe, solemnly swear that the contents of this document are true and correct, and that I agree to abide by the terms in this affidavit.)
Step 2: Write the purpose of the Affidavit or the Heading. Step 3: Write the name of the parties in case of an affidavit being filled in Court or Write the name of the Deponent in case of other affidavits. Step 4: Write the complete address of the deponent.
Affidavits are mainly used in Court proceedings. They are a written alternative to a person attending Court to give oral evidence in the witness box. Affidavits can be used to evidence, or prove, a number of things. For example, they are often used for people to tell their 'story' to the Court.
This is where an affidavit comes handy. It is a document that contains facts and information you believe to be true and becomes legal when you sign it in the presence of a legal authority known as a notary or an oaths commissioner.
Although affidavits are considered legal documents, anyone can draft one. As long as it is signed, witnessed, and notarized correctly, it will be valid. That means that you do not have to use a lawyer to create an affidavit.
Title the affidavit. First, you'll need to title your affidavit. Craft a statement of identity. The very next section of your affidavit is what's known as a statement of identity. Write a statement of truth. State the facts. Reiterate your statement of truth. Sign and notarize.
I ____ (Applicant Name as per id proof), residing at _______(Address as per address proof) do solemnly affirm and stated as under: I am _____ and my name _______, appearing on the enclosed ID proof, is single name. My father's name is ________________.
Verification means a signed, written statement of fact supported by oath or affirmation or made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities). If verification is required, notarization is not necessary.
Although affidavits are considered legal documents, anyone can draft one. As long as it is signed, witnessed, and notarized correctly, it will be valid. That means that you do not have to use a lawyer to create an affidavit.