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The parent is responsible to help pay for child care. This is called a co-payment. The co-payment may be as little as $5.00 per week and varies according to your income and the number of people in your family. The parent may choose the provider of his or her choice.
Eligible CalWORKs recipients can get their child care paid for by the state.A grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the children, does not need a background check, but must turn in a form called a Declaration of Exemption From TrustLine Registration And Health And Safety Self-Certification (CCP1).
Receiving child care assistance paid $87 per month, or 6 percent of its income, in copayments. A family of three with an income at 150 percent of poverty ($27,795 a year) receiving child care assistance paid $173 per month, or 7 percent of its income, in copayments.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is the payment made by Government to assist families with the costs of child care.Families are required to make a co-contribution to their child care fees and pay the service the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount.
All families who placed their children into licensed or unlicensed daycare, day homes, out-of-school care or preschool are eligible for $561 per child, provided they meet a number of criteria. The government says the effort is an attempt to reduce stress on families because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC, formerly CCIS), provides information on and access to safe and affordable child care services.