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Concisely review the main facts and lay out the reasons your landlord owes you money. Include copies of relevant letters and agreements, such as your notice to move out. Ask for exactly what you want, such as the full amount of your deposit within ten days. Cite state security deposit law.
Your Landlord is legally obligated to return your deposit within 10 days of you both agreeing how much you'll get back (after the tenancy has ended, of course). Objectively speaking, he doesn't have a legal leg to stand on- so it's in his best interest to make sure he returns the deposit.
I want to submit humbly, that all my college/university dues have been timely submitted and I am neither a library defaulter nor a hostel dues defaulter, kindly sign my application for clearance of all dues well in time so I can receive my security fee refund. (Explain the actual condition and situation).
Dear Name: I am writing to provide notice of my request that you refund the security deposit paid in the amount of $1500.00 for the rental of Address, City, State Zip Code. I vacated the residence on 00/00/00 without any damages beyond oridnary wear and tear.
Ask for a refund in a polite and formal language. Include details about the productwhat was purchased, when, and what the price was. Explain why you want to return the item. Mention relevant aspects of the transaction such as dates and place of delivery.
Under South Carolina law, a landlord must return the tenant's security deposit within 30 days after the tenant has moved out.
Date. Date format is month/day/year. Payee. Write the name of the person or company to whom you are paying money with the check. Amount in numbers. Write the amount in numbers e.g. $375.00. Amount in words. This will be the same amount that you wrote in the numbers area. Memo. Signature.
Mail your landlord a letter requesting that she return your deposit. Be polite and simply inform the landlord that you have vacated the property and would appreciate the return of your deposit once she has had a chance to complete any checks and paperwork.