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The Berejiklian government will spend $440 million on its residential and commercial rent package, which will force landlords and tenants to negotiate in a bid to stop rent strikes or evictions.The NSW government will spend $440 million on its rental relief package for commercial and residential tenants.
Fundamental responsibilities of landlords include: providing and maintaining the property in a clean and reasonable standard; giving proper receipts and maintaining records of all transactions pertaining to the tenancy; paying council rates and taxes; maintaining locks to ensure the property's security; and lodging the
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) is President Biden's new $1.9 trillion stimulus package that would provide tenants and landlords with a chunk of financial relief.Most states created their programs in mid-2020 after the first stimulus bill passed, with the expectation that there would be limited funds available.
Pay rent on time, even if you're having problems with your landlord. Pay utility bills, such as gas and electricity, telephone, broadband and so on, unless agreed otherwise with the landlord.Pay council tax, water and sewerage charges in most cases. Ensure the property is looked after and kept in a sanitary condition.