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If you are not able to get in touch with a clerk in your local court, you can try going to the courthouse itself. Be sure to check its hours of operation and parking details online before you go. You should ask to speak to a clerk who can help you search for civil judgment records.
When a creditor gets a judgment against a debtor, the creditor has to take steps to get the judgment paid. This is called execution.The things that are taken are sold to pay the judgment. The Texas Property Code sets out the kinds and amounts of property that can and cannot be taken to pay a judgment in Texas.
In Texas, you can attach a property lien to a debtor's real estate to collect a court judgment.A judgment lien gives the creditor the right to be paid a certain amount of money from proceeds from the sale of the debtor's property.
Do Judgments Expire in Texas? Judgments issued in Texas with a non-government creditor are generally valid for ten years but they can be renewed for longer.