An Alaska Screening Investigation Report Cover sheet is a document used to summarize the results of a background investigation conducted by the Alaska Department of Public Safety. It is used to provide employers with information about a potential employee’s criminahistorThothTcoveredesheetedet includes the individual’s name, address, date of birth, and other information about the individual such as any aliases or aliases used, aliases of any known associates, and any other information that is relevant to the investigation. The Alaska Screening Investigation Report Cover sheet includes two different types: the Alaska Statewide Criminal Background Check and the Alaska Sex Offender Registry Background Check. The Alaska Statewide Criminal Background Check covers criminal history information from all jurisdictions within the state of Alaska. The Alaska Sex Offender Registry Background Check provides information on sex offenders in the state. The Alaska Screening Investigation Report Cover sheet is an important tool for employers to use when conducting background checks on potential candidates. The information provided on the cover sheet helps employers make informed hiring decisions.