Alaska The Life of a Case, SHC-180, is a series of educational products produced by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. It consists of a set of interactive and engaging materials designed to help students and educators learn about and experience the natural environment of Alaska. This educational package includes the following components: 1. The Alaska Guidebook: This guidebook provides students and educators with an overview of the state of Alaska, its diverse habitats, and its unique wildlife. It includes maps, photographs, and information about the state's history, geography, and people. 2. The Alaska Life of a Case: This interactive case study explores the life history and ecology of Alaska's salmon, a species of fish found in the waters of the state. It includes detailed information about the salmon's life cycle, the roles that various species of fish play in the salmon's life, and the effects of human activities on their lives. 3. Alaska Wildlife: This series of lesson plans and activities focus on the state's diverse wildlife and how they interact with their environment. It includes activities about wildlife behavior, identification, and tracking. 4. Alaska Outdoor Adventure: This unit provides students and educators with an introduction to outdoor activities and recreation in the state. It includes activities and projects related to camping, fishing, hiking, and other outdoor activities. These four components make up the Alaska The Life of a Case, SHC-180 educational package. The materials are designed to help students and educators experience the natural environment of Alaska and gain a better understanding of the state's wildlife and ecosystems.