Alaska Divorce Without Children Complaint Instructions are a set of instructions detailing how to file for a divorce without children in the state of Alaska. The instructions are broken down into three different types of documents. The first type of document is the Complaint, which is a legal document that initiates the divorce process. The Complaint must contain the names of the parties filing for divorce, the grounds for the divorce, and information about any property or financial assets the parties have. The second type of document is the Summons, which is a legal document that notifies the other party that they are being sued for divorce. The Summons must include the name of the court, the name of the parties, and the date the Complaint was filed. The third type of document is the Notice of Case Management Conference, which is a legal document that is used to schedule the first court appearance. The Notice of Case Management Conference must include the date, time, and location of the court appearance and must be served to the other party. Alaska Divorce Without Children Complaint Instructions are a helpful resource for those seeking to file for a divorce without children in the state of Alaska.