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A document signed by the party who is owed money under a court judgment (called the judgment creditor) stating that the full amount due on the judgment has been paid.
If the judgment creditor does not immediately file an Acknowledgement of Satisfaction of Judgment (EJ-100) when the judgment is satisfied, the judgment debtor may make a formal written demand for the creditor to do so. The judgment creditor has 15 days after receiving the debtor's request to serve the acknowledgement.
In Alabama, a creditor can place a judgment lien on your real property (or your personal property or vehicle) in order to collect the judgment, and it will remain attached to your real property for 10 years, even if you sell the property.
Judgments are no longer factored into credit scores, though they are still public record and can still impact your ability to qualify for credit or loans. Lenders may still check to see whether any outstanding judgments against a potential borrower exist.
A Satisfaction of Judgment is a document signed by one party acknowledge receipt of the payment. The Satisfaction of Judgment is then filed with the court. This is beneficial to the paying party for multiple reasons. One, the court is put on notice that the debt has been satisfied.
A Satisfaction of Judgment is a document signed by one party acknowledge receipt of the payment. The Satisfaction of Judgment is then filed with the court. This is beneficial to the paying party for multiple reasons. One, the court is put on notice that the debt has been satisfied.
Once a judgment is paid, whether in installments or a lump sum, a judgment creditor (the person who won the case) must acknowledge that the judgment has been paid by filing a Satisfaction of Judgment form with the court clerk.