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You don't need a handyman licenses in Alabama to operate as a Handyman, but should you elect to take on larger projects, a contractors license will be required to stay within the law.
In order to obtain a State of Alabama Home Builders License, one must: Complete the appropriate application form and return the notarized application with a check or money order made payable to the Home Builders Licensure Board in the amount of the application processing fee plus the applicable license fee.
General contractors must be licensed to work on commercial or industrial work over $50,000, or residential work over $10,000. As for subcontractors, in order perform any work for a general contractor over $50,000, they must also be licensed.
In order to obtain a State of Alabama Home Builders License, one must: Complete the appropriate application form and return the notarized application with a check or money order made payable to the Home Builders Licensure Board in the amount of the application processing fee plus the applicable license fee.
General contractors must be licensed to work on commercial or industrial work over $50,000, or residential work over $10,000. As for subcontractors, in order perform any work for a general contractor over $50,000, they must also be licensed.
If you need an Alabama general contractors license, you can obtain it by applying with the state Licensing Board for General Contractors. The official application form should be submitted together with the licensing fee, which is $300. You need to provide all relevant business and personal details in your application.
Licensed general contractors can perform a wide variety of work. It can be earthmoving, plumbing, electrical, foundations, framing, or roofing work.General Contractor Type C have specialized roles. This includes contractors that specialize in concrete, fireproofing, HVAC, elevators, asbestos removal, and electricians.
To become a Subcontractor Each application requires three work experience references. These should come from either a licensed General Contractor, a Registered architect, a registered Professional Engineer, or any other qualified person as determined by the Board.