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In Alberta, the basic amount of child support that someone with an income of $150,000 would have to pay for one child is $1318.00 per month.
Arizona law requires custodial and non-custodial parents to provide "reasonable support" for their minor children. A.R.S. § 25-501(A). This obligation is not avoidable.
The total amount needed for child support is divided amongst the parents based on their monthly gross income. This results in a percentage to demonstrate each parent's contribution to the total gross income between them. For example, the Combined Gross income of the parents is $10,000 per month.
Is Arizona a Mother's State? No, Arizona is not a Mother's state. A judge in Arizona is not allowed to consider the gender of either parent when making a child custody order.A child born to an unmarried couple, however, does not have a legal father until paternity is established.
Maximum child support in Arizona law, is 50 percent of the parent's disposable income.
The Arizona Child Support Guidelines are based on an Income Share Model meaning that the child should receive the same proposition of each parent's individual gross income, as they would if their parents were still living together. We often describe Arizona's approach to child support as a necessities based model
Is Arizona a Mother's State? No, Arizona is not a Mother's state. A judge in Arizona is not allowed to consider the gender of either parent when making a child custody order.
The process of applying for a change of assessment takes about 3 months. An application for change of assessment may apply to a period going back 18 months from the date the application is made.
For more information on all our virtual services, please visit des.az.gov/dcss. The AZ Child Support Services Portal is available for parents and caretakers to: view a history of child support payments.