Arizona Instructions for Investment Entity Report is a form produced by the Arizona Department of Revenue (ODOR) which is used to report the investments held by an entity in the state of Arizona. This form is required to be submitted by all entities who have investments in Arizona, regardless of their form or type. It is used to report the investments held by the entity, such as stocks, bonds, notes, mortgages, and other investments. The form includes information such as the type of entity, the total value of the investments, the type of investments, and any special instructions. Additionally, the form must include the total value of each investment and the date of purchase. The Arizona Instructions for Investment Entity Report has two different versions: a short form and a long form. The short form is used by entities that have investments in Arizona that do not exceed a certain dollar amount. The long form is used by entities that have investments in Arizona that exceed that dollar amount. The form must be submitted to the ODOR by the deadline specified on the form. Failure to do so may result in a penalty.