Arizona For Chapter 11 Cases: The List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You Who Are Not Insiders (non-individuals) is a list of creditors that have the largest unsecured claims against the debtor that are not related to the debtor. It includes the name, address, and phone number of each creditor, the amount of the claim, the type of claim (secured or unsecured), and the date of the filing of the claim. This list is commonly known as the “20 Largest Unsecured Creditors” list. The information in this list is used by the bankruptcy court to determine the appropriate distribution to creditors in the Chapter 11 proceeding. The types of Arizona For Chapter 11 Cases: The List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You Who Are Not Insiders (non-individuals) can include: 1. Trade creditors — These are creditors who have provided goods or services to the debtor for which the debtor has not yet been paid. 2. Secured creditors — These are creditors who have a security interest in the debtor's assets, such as a mortgage or lien. 3. Unsecured creditors — These are creditors who have lent money to the debtor without a security interest. 4. Administrative creditors — These are creditors who provide services to the court in the administration of the Chapter 11 case. 5. Priority creditors — These creditors are given priority in the distribution of assets in the Chapter 11 case. They include certain taxes, employee wages, and domestic support obligations.