Arizona Commitment to Another District (ACID) is an incentive program that encourages students to attend Arizona public schools outside their own district. The program helps eligible students overcome financial barriers to attend schools in other districts, with the goal of increasing educational opportunities and promoting student success. The program includes two types of awards. The first is an ACID Transfer Award, which provides financial assistance to students who transfer to a public school district outside their own. This award covers tuition and fees associated with the transfer process. The second type of award is an ACID Achievement Award, which provides financial assistance to students who demonstrate academic excellence. Eligibility for this award requires that students have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, have taken a minimum of 24 credits, and have taken the ACT or SAT. Both types of awards provide recipients with up to $2,000 for tuition and fees at the district they are transferring to. The awards can be used for up to two years, and can be renewed annually.