Arizona All Wage Garnishment Forms in one file includes a collection of different forms related to wage garnishment in Arizona. The forms provide information to employers and employees on the process of wage garnishment in Arizona. Specifically, they include the following: — Arizona Notice of Garnishment for Wages: This form notifies employers of the wage garnishment order issued by a court or governmental entity, providing the employer with information on the amount to be withheld and how to remit the funds. — Arizona Employee Notice of Garnishment: This form notifies employees of the wage garnishment order, providing them with information on the amount to be withheld, the court or governmental entity that issued the garnishment, and how to contact the creditor for further information. — Arizona Voluntary Withholding Form: This form allows an employee to voluntarily agree to a wage garnishment, providing information on the amount to be withheld and how to remit the funds. — Arizona Employer Certification of Wages Garnished: This form certifies to a court or governmental entity that the employee’s wages have been garnished in accordance with the order. — Arizona Claim of Exemption from Garnishment: This form allows an employee to claim an exemption from wage garnishment, providing information on the amount to be withheld and how to remit the funds. — Arizona Employer’s Response to Garnishment: This form allows an employer to provide a response to a wage garnishment order, providing information on the amount to be withheld and how to remit the funds.