The Arizona Juvenile Guardianship Information Sheet is a form used in the State of Arizona to provide information about an individual appointed as a guardian for a minor by the court. It is used to provide the guardian with the necessary information to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the minor. There are three types of Arizona Juvenile Guardianship Information Sheet: The General Form, the Limited Form, and the Temporary Form. The General Form is used in guardianship cases where the court appoints the guardian to have full responsibility for the minor. This form provides the guardian with the necessary information to make decisions about the minor’s care, education, and financial matters. The Limited Form is used in guardianship cases where the court appoints the guardian to have limited responsibilities for the minor. This form provides the guardian with the necessary information to make decisions about specific areas of the minor’s life that have been assigned to them. The Temporary Form is used in guardianship cases where the court appoints the guardian to have temporary responsibilities for the minor. This form provides the guardian with the necessary information to make decisions about the minor’s care, education, and financial matters for a set period of time.