The Arizona Procedure for What To Do With The Witness And Exhibit List Now That You Have Filled It Out is a set of steps that ensure that all witness and exhibit lists are properly filed and recorded. The process consists of three types of Arizona Procedures: Setting Up the List, Filing the List, and Recording the List. Setting Up the List: This step requires you to provide the name of the witness or exhibit, their address, and any other pertinent information requested by the court. Filing the List: Once the list is set up, it needs to be filed with the court. This can be done either in person or by mail. If it is filed by mail, it needs to be sent to the Clerk of Court with a self-addressed stamped envelope for a response. Recording the List: After the list is filed with the court, it needs to be recorded in the court's records. This can be done either in person or by mail. If it is done by mail, it needs to be sent to the Clerk of Court with a self-addressed stamped envelope for a response. These three steps, Setting Up the List, Filing the List, and Recording the List, are necessary to ensure that all witness and exhibit lists are properly filed and recorded according to the Arizona Procedures.