Arizona Subpoena Duties are court-ordered requests for documents or testimony from individuals or entities. There are two main types of Arizona Subpoena Duties: Subpoena Ducks Cecum and Subpoena Ad Testificandum. Subpoena Ducks Cecum is a command to produce documents or other tangible evidence related to an ongoing court case. This type of subpoena is commonly used to compel the production of business records, medical records, financial documents, or any other type of document related to the case. Subpoena Ad Testificandum is a command to appear in court to testify. This type of subpoena is commonly used to compel a witness to appear and testify at a trial or hearing. Arizona Subpoena Duties must be properly served on the recipient. This means that a copy of the subpoena must be personally delivered to the recipient or sent by certified mail. Failure to comply with an Arizona Subpoena Duty may result in sanctions or contempt of court.