The Arizona Affidavit Against Mandating of COVID-19 Vaccination is a legal document that states an individual's refusal to comply with any laws, regulations, or orders that mandate Covid-19 vaccinations. This document is signed by an individual and notarized to legally protect them from any form of coercion or discrimination in the event that a mandatory vaccination law is passed. There are two types of Arizona Affidavit Against Mandating of COVID-19 Vaccination: a general affidavit and an individualized affidavit. The general affidavit is used to express an individual's opposition to all forms of mandatory Covid-19 vaccination, while the individualized affidavit is used to express specific reasons why an individual believes they should not be forced to receive a Covid-19 vaccination. Both affidavits can be used to assert an individual's right to refuse to comply with any laws, regulations, or orders related to the mandating of Covid-19 vaccinations.