The Arizona Petition To Establish Non-Parent Decision Making is a legal document used to grant decision-making authority to a non-parent for a minor child in the state of Arizona. It is typically used when a minor child’s biological parents are unable to make decisions regarding their care and welfare due to death, illness, incarceration, or abandonment. The petition can be filed in court by a non-parent, such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or close family friend. There are two types of petitions that can be filed in Arizona: the Petition to Establish a Decree of Non-Parental Decision Making and the Petition to Establish a Decree of Guardianship. The former grants the non-parent decision-making authority regarding the child’s health, education, and welfare, while the latter grants full guardianship rights to the non-parent, including the right to make decisions regarding the child’s residence, medical care, and financial matters. In both cases, the court will appoint a guardian ad item to represent the child’s best interests and the petitioner must provide evidence of the parents' incapacity or abandonment. The court will also review the petitioner’s background and qualifications to determine if they are suitable to make decisions for the minor child.