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A set aside cancels or revokes a person's judgment. While the original order is still available, in general, it has been altered. A set aside differs from expungement. If something is expunged, it wiped out completely. When something is set aside, it is not necessarily wiped out, but it is changed.
You can also go to the court where you were convicted and get a copy of the Order of Conviction. This will have all the information you need about that specific conviction. You can use the Do-It-Yourself Expungement (Adult Conviction) tool to see if you are eligible to apply to get your conviction set aside.
Set aside. v. to annul or negate a court order or judgment by another court order. Example: a court dismisses a complaint believing the case had been settled. Upon being informed by a lawyer's motion that the lawsuit was not settled, the judge will issue an order to "set aside" the original dismissal.
Once the judgment is set aside, the case starts up again. If you do not file an answer with the court to defend against plaintiff's complaint, you could again be defaulted and another default judgment could be entered against you.
When a court sets aside a conviction it dismisses the conviction, the penalties are dismissed and disabilities are vacated. The record of the prior conviction remains but the court record will also note that the conviction has been set aside.
When a court sets aside a conviction it dismisses the conviction, the penalties are dismissed and disabilities are vacated. The record of the prior conviction remains but the court record will also note that the conviction has been set aside.
If you do not owe the money, you can ask the court to cancel the county court judgment ( CCJ ) or high court judgment. This is known as getting the judgment 'set aside'. You can do this if you did not receive, or did not respond to, the original claim from the court saying you owed the money.
In New South Wales, courts have the power to set aside a default judgment.To then set aside this judgment, the defendant must convince the court that: there is a reasonable explanation to be provided for the failure to file a defence; they have a defence to the plaintiff's claim; and.
What is the difference between expungement and having a criminal conviction dismissed? An expungement proceeding basically results in a court order sealing all records of a criminal conviction.When a court sets aside a conviction it dismisses the conviction, the penalties are dismissed and disabilities are vacated.