California Order on Petition — Incarcerated IndividuaCancerre— - Penal Code 1203-4B is a type of alternative sentence in the state of California, which allows an incarcerated individual to serve out his or her sentence in a hand crew work program. This type of sentence allows the offender to complete a sentence in a less restrictive setting while making a valuable contribution to the community, typically through manual labor. In an Order on Petition — Incarcerated IndividuaCancerre— - Penal Code 1203-4B sentence, the court determines the type of work the offender will do, such as brush clearing, fire prevention, and conservation projects. The offender is supervised by an officer who ensures that the sentence is carried out in a safe and productive manner. There are two types of California Order on Petition — Incarcerated IndividuaCancerre— - Penal Code 1203-4B: the hand crew program and the conservation camp program. The hand crew program is a work-release program, in which the offender is allowed to return to his or her home in the evening, while the conservation camp program is a full-time residential program in which the offender stays at the camp.